Local Happenings

Gatherings & Events

Welcome to Zion Lutheran Church – your spiritual home in The Dalles, Oregon. Join us for soulful worship, educational programs, and community service. Experience a place of warmth and belonging where everyone is welcome.

View Our Events Calendar

Sunday Service

  • Morning Services

    Our Sunday morning worship services start at 10:00 am. Come as you are! We have no dress code and invite you to join us wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

  • Sunday School

    We also have adult education before service, starting at 9:00 am.

  • Fellowship Hour

    Fellowship Hour immediately following service every Sunday. We hope you will consider sticking around for coffee, juice and snacks.

  • Childcare

    We have a staffed childcare available for infants through kindergarten. Parents can drop their children off before the service or at any time during the service.

    Our loving caregivers are available from 9:45 am to 11:45 am for those parents who want to experience the worship service without their little ones.

Other Gatherings

  • New Song Service

    The 3rd Sunday of the month is our New Song Service. Our New Song Service is not quite a "contemporary music service" and not quite a "traditional music service." Instead, we use the vast anthology of both contemporary and traditional music and the wide variety of instruments that have been invented to make music and bring them together to explore what it means to "sing a New Song unto the Lord."

  • Quarterly Sunday Potlucks

    On the first Sunday of each quarter, we have a potluck immediately following the workship service. There is always plenty of food, so even if you come to service and forget to bring something, there will be more than enough food for you to be well fed.

  • Bible Study

    On Tuesdays at 1:00 PM, we meet to study Scripture. We have discussions about what the scriptures mean to us. All are welcome!

Seasons of Love

Annual Events

Zion Lutheran Church hosts and participates in several annual events and programs. Additional programming happens throughout the year on a more varied schedule-including the “How to Be a Lutheran” class, confirmation, and community meals.

Send us an email or give us a call if you would like more info on what’s happening at Zion.

  • Spring

    Easter Services

    • With handbells and choirs

    Living Cross (Easter)

    • Each year, we have a living cross on display for Easter, covered in flowers.
  • Summer

    Yearly Rummage Sale

    • June 20 & June 21, 2025
      8:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Fall

    Backpack Program (during the school year)

    • This program sends weekend food home with students who are food insecure throughout the school year. We continue to collect food items the entire school year, so if you would like to donate, just drop by on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday when the church office is open.

    Annual Organ Hymn Marathon

    • Sunday, October 26, 2025 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Winter

    Christmas Eve Service (December 24th)

    • 6:00 pm, Candlelight and Communion, with Handbells and Choir

    Operation Rudolph

    • We collect toys to be given to children in need.

Event Calendar

Stay connected with Zion Lutheran Church through our Events Calendar. Find a variety of engaging activities, including worship services, Bible studies, community outreach programs, and special events. Join us for spiritual enrichment and fellowship as we gather together. Stay up-to-date with our calendar to make the most of your time at Zion Lutheran Church.

Calendar of Events

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Strengthening Connections, Enriching Lives

Our Community Partners

At Zion Lutheran church we believe that part of God’s work in our world is to partner with like-minded organizations to build the kind of community God has in mind for us. We provide a home for several community partners for their meetings, plays, music, and other needs that fit the overall mission and beliefs of our congregation. We also partner with The Dalles Backpack program, Community Meals, and Mid Columbia Community Action Council to help feed the hungry and house the houseless in our community.
